Child Safety

Child Safety

Child Safety

All students enrolled, and any child visiting, have a right to feel safe and be safe. The wellbeing of children in our care will always be our first priority. We have zero tolerance to child abuse, including corporal punishment. We aim to create a child safe and child friendly environment where children feel safe, develop responsibility for their own safety and are free to enjoy life to the full without concerns for their safety being threatened by others.

The staff and volunteers of St. Pius X Parish School, encourage students to express their views. We listen to their suggestions, especially on matters that directly affect them. We actively encourage all students to openly express their views and feel comfortable about giving voice to the things that are important to them.

We teach students about what they can do if they feel unsafe. We listen to and act on any concerns students, or their parents or carers, raise with us.

At St. Pius X Parish School we provide every child with the opportunity to engage in social emotional programs. These programs include the school wide Bounce Back Resilience program. Other programs that provide further support to children with wellbeing concerns are Seasons For Growth and Confident Kids.

We aim to support all students, teachers and families in their wellbeing. As a Catholic school community, our policies, planning and practice are called to reflect a consistently high level of pastoral care.

Relevant School Documents:

PROTECT - Reportable Conduct Scheme

PROTECT - Identifying and Responding to Abuse - Reporting Obligations Procedures

DOBCEL Child Safety Governance Policy

Child Safety Committment Statement (CECV)

St. Pius X Primary School Safeguarding Children & Young People Code of Conduct

St. Pius X Primary School Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy

Child Safety Statement for Students

St. Pius X Primary School Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct

St. Pius X Primary School Duty of Care Policy

St. Pius X Primary School Visitor Policy & Procedure



The St Pius X Parish School Community acknowledges the Gunditjmara / Marr Nation people who have educated children on these lands for thousands of years.
