2023 Annual Report to the School Community

2023 Annual Report to the School Community

The Annual Report provides principals and staff with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes.

The preparation and publication of an Annual Report is a requirement for all schools. It reflects the school's commitment to building pride and confidence in our school and highlights the importance of transparent communication about school performance with our school community.

Annual Reports are presented to the school community via parent group meetings and paper copies can be requested from our school office. 

To access the 2023 Annual Report to the School Community please click on this link:

Annual Report to the School Community 2023



The St Pius X Parish School Community acknowledges the Gunditjmara / Marr Nation people who have educated children on these lands for thousands of years.
