April 27 2023
Acknowledgement of Country
A Note from our Principal.
School Closure
School Promotion- St Pius X video
Anzac Day
Cross Country Today
DOBCEL Consultative Committees
Parents and Friends Raffle
Footy Tipping 2023
Library News
A special message........
Canteen Roster
Important Dates
Second Hand Uniforms
Before & After School Care
Parish Contact
COVID 19 Arrangements
Acknowledgement of Country

The St Pius X Parish School Community acknowledges the Gunditjmara / Marr Nation people who have educated children on these lands for thousands of years.

God of Peace,
On ANZAC day, we remembered all the courageous men and women who sacrificed their lives in time of war so that our lives today would be full and free. We ask the gift of freedom for all who suffer oppression in war-torn nations today.
May we be an example of peace in the world.
A Note from our Principal.
Ngata Families and Friends,
Dear Families,
I trust that everyone enjoyed their Easter break. It was great to see all our students returning to school on Monday with lots of smiles and stories about what they got up to.
Despite an interrupted start to the term, all the children have settled back into routine quickly. We welcome back Seath Wilson and his mum, Peta, who have returned to St Pius X. It’s great to have them back.
Assemblies will be held during odd weeks this term, so tomorrow we will be having assembly in the church. All welcome. Normal start time is around 3pm.
During this week and next week we have a number of staff absent. Lucy and Jenna are being replaced by Ronnie White and Jane Thring in Prep, Bec Parkinson is away with Lisa covering most of her days, Gerard will be replaced by Alanna Pearson in SP1 and Clare will also be away. There will be minimal disruptions to the classes.
We pass on our condolences to Emma McDonald and her family on the passing of her grandmother during the holidays. We are all thinking of Emma during this time.
Thank you to those families and friends who were able to support the children during the Cross Country today. It was fantastic to see so many children striving to achieve their best.
Our next opportunity for parents to engage with their children will be an event for our Mums and special women on the afternoon of Monday 15th May. Please save the date.
Don’t forget that next week is a short week!
Kind regards,
School Closure
A reminder that Friday 5th May is our next school closure day. On this day staff will be joining with St John's Dennington to learn more about ReLATE.
Thursday 4th May is a public holiday for May Races so there is no school. A very short week!
School Promotion- St Pius X video
During the last week of term, we were fortunate to have Kev Cummins from DOBCEL at school to create a promotional video for us.
We are very proud of our school and want to get the word out. Please check out this video and share it far and wide.
On May 25th and May 26th we will be holding enrolment information sessions for 2024 Preps. More information to follow.
Anzac Day
Thanks to our school captains, Byron and Maya, for representing our school at the Anzac Day service in Warrnambool. Anzac Day is a chance to reflect on the sacrifices made by so many Australians in past conflicts. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the importance of peace.

Cross Country Today
This morning our grades 3 - 6 travelled to Deakin Uni oval to compete in the St. Pius X Cross Country events. Despite showers early on, the weather cleared just in time for competition.

Later on this afternoon, the cross country for our prep to grade 2 students took place on the school oval.
Results for each age group were as follows:

DOBCEL Consultative Committees
The DOBCEL Board provides opportunities for members of the diocesan education community, and others with relevant expertise, to participate in the mission of DOBCEL, to assist its governance and decision making and to inform faithful stewardship of the mission through DOBCEL Consultative Committees.
A range of vacancies exists across the DOBCEL Consultative Committees. These committees are an invaluable opportunity to ensure that the work of the Board and CEB reflects the needs of DOBCEL school communities right across the Diocese. Typically, the committees meet once each term for a duration of 90-120 Minutes. The opportunity exists to attend face-to-face or virtually. For volunteers to the organisation, compensation for expenses is available.
Opportunities exist for parents/guardians/carers with a child/children enrolled in a DOBCEL School to join one of the following;
- Catholic Faith Community & Culture Consultative Committee
- Children & Young People Safeguarding & Wellbeing Consultative Committee
- Family and Community Engagement Consultative Committee
- Learning and Teaching Consultative Committee
In the event of multiple nominations, the Board will invite Consultative Committee members on the basis of the general balance of the committee, taking into account factors such as gender, diversity, skill mix, location, school size, etc.
For more information please contact Jo Mckee jmckee@dobcel.catholic.edu.au or speak with your school principal. Expressions of interest are open until Wednesday, 3rd May.
Parents and Friends Raffle
The PnF have secured a very generous donation from Rafferty's- so we're having a bonus raffle this term. Tickets can be bought at the office.

Footy Tipping 2023
A big few rounds over the break has seen some movement in the footy tipping competition. More jokers have been played, with the Seurens and Debra Redpath getting 18 points for their timely use of the joker. Brad Everall also tipped 9.
The last round was very competitive, with a competition average of 7.6. Good work team!
Top 5
- Letty Parkinson
- Seurents
- Team Elizabeth N
- Nek minute
- Refuse Rodent
We are still looking for a sponsor, so if you would like to take up this opportunity please make contact. Sponsorship includes advertising on the newsletter each week.
Library News

Issue 3 of Book Club was handed out to children on Wednesday. Orders are due back by next Wednesday 3rd of May. Purchases from Book Club create reward points for the school. These points are then redeemed for newer texts for our Library. Any purchase you make, helps to contribute to our Library and our school community.
A special message........

Wishing the following students a very happy birthday for the coming week...................
Luca, Liam Norton, Sophie Meade, William Carey.
Canteen Roster
Tuesday, 2nd May - Lauren Johnson
Wednesday, 3rd May- Leonie Neale
Thursday, 4th May - No Canteen Public Holiday (Races)
Friday, 5th May - No Canteen Pupil Free Day
Important Dates
Friday 28th April Assembly and Liturgy - 3pm in the Church
Thursday 5th May May Race Day Public Holiday
Friday 6th May School Closure (ReLATE PD for staff)
Thursday 11th May Grade 1/2 Excursion to Werribee Zoo
Friday 12th May District Cross Country
Wednesday 17th May Foundation Excursion Flagstaff Hill
Advance notice: Term 4 closure date Friday November 3rd
Second Hand Uniforms
Families seeking low cost uniform items are welcome to contact Angela Verspay (mum to Dylan and Finn) who has stock of many donated uniform items. Ph: 0477660119.
Before & After School Care

We remind everyone about TheirCare, our outside school hours care provider. Bookings can be made at https://theircare.com.au/
Please select St Pius X Warrnambool as the booking location.
Parish Contact
Sunday Mass 10.00 @ St Pius X Church. School families are always welcome.
The Parish office can be contacted on 5562 2231
Other information and contact details can be found on the Star of the Sea South West Coast website: https://www.ballarat.catholic.org.au/parish/southwestcoast/

FOR SALE! Personalised Zooper Dooper holders made by William Carey. They are $5.00 each and come in a range of colours. Please phone Jodie on 0459 115 004 for more information.

COVID 19 Arrangements

All famililes are asked to familiarise thesmselves with the updated COVID 19 regulations.
Managing a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
- It is recommended that rapid antigen tests (RATs) are used by students and staff if they:
- have symptoms of COVID-19 infection, no matter how mild
- are a household or close contact of someone who has COVID-19
- are a social contact of someone who has COVID-19.
- The Department of Health recommends that all Victorians report their positive RAT result via the online form or by calling 1800 675 398.
- Principals are no longer required to inform their school community of a positive case associated with the school.
- Staff or students who are positive are strongly recommended to stay home and isolate for a minimum of five days.
- Symptomatic students or staff should not attend school, even if failing to test positive on a RAT or PCR.
There is no longer a requirement for schools to inform their communities of positive cases. All health information is held in accordance with the school’s privacy policy.
Staff and students who wish to wear a mask will continue to be supported to do so. Masks are available from the administration office for anyone wishing to obtain one.
Any staff or students who are close contacts are recommended to wear a mask indoors.
Any staff or students returning from isolation are recommended to wear a mask for 7 days after returning to school.
RAT Kits
RATs are available for all Victorians from council sites. Individuals can obtain two free packs (10 tests) for themselves and two free packs (10 tests) for each household member. People with disability and their carers can get up to four free packs (20 tests) in line with existing RAT distribution for people with disability.
The RATs are available at the Civic Centre (25 Liebig Street) and the Archie Graham Community Centre (118 Timor Street).
St Pius X strongly supports vaccination for all in our community who are eligible. There is no requirement for adults entering the school to declare their vaccination status.
All community adults are reminded of the child safety requirement to sign in when attending the school between 9.00am and 3.00pm
Parents who have tested positive to COVID 19 are permitted to drive children to and from school during their 7 day isolation period. They are required to return home immediately afterwards and not attend other locations.
Medically At Risk Students
Students who have chronic health conditions, especially affecting the respiratory system ie Asthma, must have up to date health support plans. Families who are unsure about the status of their child’s plan should make contact with teh school administration office.