October 20th, 2022
Acknowledgement of Country
A Note from our Principal
Pupil Free Day: Reconciliation Action Plan
Yr 6 Graduation
Sunscreen on Excursions
School Advisory Council
Congratulations Taden!
Class Groupings 2023
Hot off the Prep Press!
Twilight Fair: October 28th 4-7pm
Cake Stall
Second Hand Books, CDs & DVDs
Twilight Fair Raffles - Yes Two!!
Mini Vinnies - Twilight Fair
ART NEWS - Twilight Fair Fun!
School Fees and Levies
Free Photocopiers & Ride On Mower
Crisis Meals
Breakfast Club
Before & After School Care
Back to Front
Parish Contact
Class Awards Week 2
School Canteen Roster
Our Diocesan Community
Upcoming Dates
COVID 19 Arrangements
Acknowledgement of Country

The St Pius X Parish School Community acknowledges the Gunditjmara / Marr Nation people who have educated children on these lands for thousands of years.

God of Humility,
In our successful and comfortable lives, help us to identify our own frailties and shortcomings.
Remind us of those who are sometimes forgotten, who require a light to be shone on their needs.
A Note from our Principal

Ngata Families & Friends,
One more week to go and our Twilight Fair will be here. I know we have many volunteers who are working hard to put together stalls and events for us to all enjoy. We also need some further volunteers to help for short stints on stalls as well. In today’s newsletter, you have the opportunity to put your name down for a stall and select a time. Remember you can also show your support simply by attending and spending some money with us!
Joe Ewing

Pupil Free Day: Reconciliation Action Plan

Families are reminded that our final pupil free day for 2022 will be held on on Friday November 18th. This day will enable our staff to engage in learning and planning for our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). A RAP is a formal commitment and plan for recognition and acknowledgment of First Nations people, for us, in particular the Gunditjmara Maar Nation.
In the lead up to this day, we are required to complete a school survey on cultural awareness and recognition practices in our school. Families are welcome to contribute to this survey:
Yr 6 Graduation
Our Yr 6s will be graduating on the evening of December 8th. Please note this date has been modified in the last week. Families will be sent a formal invitation to this event in due course.
Thanks to Janine Lyons, mum to Anna, who has volunteered to organise the event that will be held afterwards.
Sunscreen on Excursions
As we move through Term 4, our classes will be heading offsite for a number of excursions. Families are asked to ensure sunscreen is applied to their children’s exposed skin in the morning before they attend. Of course sunscreen is reapplied through the day, but having the first application done helps the day begin smoothly and efficiently.
School Advisory Council
Our SAC will not meet tonight as was previously advertised. An email was sent to all members at the beginning of the week. This meeting has been pushed to November 3rd at 7.30pm.
Congratulations Taden!

Taden competed in his first Karate tournament on the weekend, taking first place in the boys 10-11 years Kumite (sparring) division.
The Funakoshi Karate Open Championships were held at Warrnambool Stadium on Sunday 16 October and are an annual event.
Taden also competed in the boys 10-11 years Kata (forms) division without placing.
He is currently a blue belt having started Karate 18 months ago and trains three times a week at Funakoshi.
Class Groupings 2023
Submissions of information for class groupings will be closed at 5pm tomorrow afternoon. These submissions are around the learning needs of children.
All submissions must be in writing.
Either email:
principal@spwarrnambool.catholic.edu or address a letter marked confidential to ‘The Principal’.
Hot off the Prep Press!
Vets and Pets
On Monday we went on our first excursion for Term 4. First we went to the Fur Life Vet Clinic and Sarah the Vet Nurse took us on a tour. She showed us how they examine cats and dogs during a check up, she showed us the animals that were in visiting the clinic for treatment and care and she helped us to read an x-ray and discover what animals they were and why they needed one. Sarah was amazing as were all the staff at the clinic.
Next we went for a play and some lunch at Albert Park which was great because the sun was shining.
After that we went to the Aqualife Aquarium Bird and Reptile shop. This was also a fantastic experience. We got to see some amazing animals like fish, turtles, lizards, snakes, rats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs and even stingrays. Jazz and Reece took us on an incredible and interactive journey.
It was one of the best Prep days ever!!!

Introducing Smokey the Rabbit
After our visit to the Pet shop Ms Osborne decided to buy us a bunny. So onto the bus she came with a bag full of hay, some rabbit food and a beautiful grey and white bunny in a box.
It is now our job to care for Smokey each day and learn about all the things we need to do to keep him healthy and safe. We have loved the first few days of being responsible pet owners. We are observing Smokey doing lots of things like running, climbing, jumping, standing, scratching, twitching, eating and of course pooping. We think he is a very clever bunny. We look forward to giving you lots of updates about his weekly care but also about his weekend visits to some of our family homes.

Welcome Andy!
We have welcomed Andy Nguyen to our Prep room.
Twilight Fair: October 28th 4-7pm

Thanks to those families who have volunteered to coordinate stalls and events at the Twilight Fair. Other families are still able to support us by donating goods (see below) or being prepared to help on one of the stalls on the afternoon of the fair. We will be seeking volunteers to assist from next week. We are looking forward to the support of as many families as possible!
Below are the confirmed events and the coordinators. We will be asking for volunteers to help run these stall also.
Cake stall | Madeleine Woodward & Donna Matheson |
Coffee stall | Mandy Van Rooy |
Fairy Floss | Alanna Gleeson |
Snow Cones | Susan White |
Lucky Cards | Gabrielle Ewing |
Baked Potatoes | Anne Kerr / Bec Lawlor |
Raffle | Anne Kerr |
Face Paint | Shay Halouvas |
Lolly Stall | Kristina Vagala |
Donuts | Erin Klose / Merryn Payne |
BBQ | Janine Lyons |
Halloween Display | Julie Keeley |
Dumplings | Jun Meredith |
2nd Hand Books and CDs | Sue Coulson |
Plant stall, silent auction, woodwork for sale | HoL / Adele Webster |
Games and Events: | |
Prep | Movie Theatre |
1/2 | Carnival Games |
3/4 | Pot Luck Chocolate Throw Jelly Bean Guess |
5/6 | Sideshow Alley Games |
Outside Stall | Helen Best |
Outside Stall | Simone Cecil |
Outside Stall | Lauren Hayward |
Volunteers Needed - Please!
While we have coordinators for our Twilight Fair stalls, more volunteers are needed to assist. Please click the link below to add your name, preferred activity and a time.
Cake Stall

The Twilight Fair is fast approaching and a major part of our fundraising on the day is the Cake and Slice Stall. We are requesting donations of home baked goodies to be sold on the day. Traditionally, St Pius X parents have been very generous in their baking donations, and we anticipate the stall to be a major fundraiser for our school.
On Monday the 24th October we will be sending home a cake box which you may use to send your baked goodies to school. Please drop your donation at the office by Friday 28th October. Please contact us through the office if you have any questions or queries.
Thanking you in anticipation of your help,
Madeleine Woodward & Donna Matheson.
Second Hand Books, CDs & DVDs

Many homes would have used the holiday period for a spring clean and would now have books, DVDs and CDs that are no longer wanted. If so, our Twilight Fair second hand stall would love these as a donation. Simply drop off to the school office over the coming weeks and they will find a new home!
Twilight Fair Raffles - Yes Two!!
Sales are a little slow for our raffles, please get behind this venture to compliment our Twilight Fair. You don’t have to buy all the tickets yourself - ask your workmates and family to purchase a ticket.
We have a children’s raffle and a major raffle due to the generosity of local businesses. Our Parents & Friends group fully appreciate that asking families to have two raffles on the go at the same time is a big ask, but as fundraising has been non-existent for the last couple of years due to COVID, we are asking for extra support this year. This is our chance to make valuable funds and maybe contribute to new playground equipment. Remember raffle ticket sellers are very important. We need everyone’s support.
The children’s raffle at $1.00 per ticket has three prizes of gift baskets full of yummy goodies. Each family received a book of tickets during the last week of Term 3. We are hoping that this raffle provides the children with an opportunity to assist the school with fundraising. Maybe your child might be able to sell tickets to grandparents, neighbours, friends etc. Some tickets have been returned already. Thank you sincerely. Get those tickets in.
What a great response for support for our major raffle. A HUGE Thank you to:
- Westvic Staffing Solutions $1,000 - voucher of your choice
- Beyond Bank (Sth West Credit Union) $1,000 - voucher of your choice
- McLaren Hunt 2 x $200 vouchers for Tax Return Services
- Rafferty’s Tavern $200 voucher
- Flying Horse Inn $200 voucher
- Frolic Lane $200 voucher
- Gateway Plaza 2 x $100 vouchers
- Homemade Quilt
- An anonymous donation $200 voucher from Toyworld
- Helen Best Hamper from Helen’s Hampers and Sensory Items
- Steve & Kayla Levett - 5 x $100 vouchers from South Coast Auto Services.
- And more - $60 gift voucher from Bohemia
- And wait for it …….another voucher - $50 voucher at the Beach Kiosk - Ooooo a yummy breakfast!
The major raffle which contains these fantastic prizes might see our parents selling to friends, work collegues and family members. We need your support and with only 1 week to go it is time to get those tickets sold….PLEASE!
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Both raffles will be drawn at our Twilight Fair - Friday 28th October 2022.
Mini Vinnies - Twilight Fair

Our Mini Vinnies were hard at work today making signs in preparation for the Twilight Fair. They are now on display in the front windows of the school. Great Work Team!

ART NEWS - Twilight Fair Fun!
On the night, don't forget to come along to The Pumpkin Patch (aka the Junior Pod), to see some wonderful Halloweeny art created by our very own talented artists here at St. Pius X School.
This years exhibition has been inspired by the incredible artwork of Japanese Artist Yayoi Kusama.
Here’s a sneak peak!!

School Fees and Levies
With only 8 weeks of the 2022 school year remaining it would be greatly appreciated if school fees and levies could be finalised as soon as possible. For families who have committed to regular instalments, please continue with your payment plan as per your arrangements.
Ringing families as a reminder to pay fees is not only embarrassing and uncomfortable to you but also to the admin staff. Please contact the school office to organise a payment plan should you wish to set up a payment plan. Thank you.
Free Photocopiers & Ride On Mower

We have two standing photocopiers that are no longer required at the school. They are Konica Minolta Bizhub C364 models and are in good working order. They would be ideal for a small business, sporting club etc.

We also have an older model Briggs & Stratton Ride on Mower to give away which would suit a handyman, as it will need tinkering to fix a couple of issues.
All of these items are being given away for free, and will need to be picked up from the school. Please enquire at the office - First in best dressed!
Crisis Meals

We have reached the bottom of the freezer! Anyone able to donate a meal over the final weeks for the school year is encouraged to add your name to the document linked below.
Each week a volunteer has been rostered to provide a freezable meal to our school to be distributed to a family experiencing hardship, grief or unforeseen circumstances. These meals have been regularly distributed and the families receiving them have been most grateful.
Our volunteer for this week was Anne Kerr, next week is Karen Mahoney.
Breakfast Club

Every Wednesday from 8:15 breakfast will be available in the function room for any students that would like to have some breakfast before the school day starts! Everyone is more than welcome to come along, even if they have already had breakfast at home. It is a great initiative supported by FoodShare who provide fruit, yoghurt, cereal and yummy toast.
Thanks to our parent volunteer Tracey.
Before & After School Care

We remind everyone about TheirCare, our outside school hours care provider. Bookings can be made at https://theircare.com.au/
Please select St Pius X Warrnambool as the booking location.
Back to Front

You may be familiar with the story of Rosa Parks. Rosa became a symbol for the American Civil Rights movement during the 1950s. While not the first to do so, she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger when ordered to do so by a bus driver. Her actions began a chain of events that exposed inequality
While we certainly recognise that elements of racism still creep into our modern world, its hard to imagine such a blatant example happening in our society. The freedom to move about public space and to access public amenities is a basic human right.
Rosa became an international figure for her role in the protest and the resulting court case made bus segregation unconstitutional.

I was thinking of Rosa’s story with the front and the back of the bus as I read Sunday’s Gospel, a parable from Jesus. In his story, one man stands at the front of the temple thinking of himself as perfect, and looks to the back of the temple at someone he regards as subhuman. The man at the back doesn’t even look up. The point of Jesus' story is to point out the fault of the man at the front who essentially lives a good life but looks down on others.
Many of us stand at the front - that doesn’t make us bad people, but the test is how we treat people who are standing at the back. Do we offer them our seat, or invite them to stand with us?
Parish Contact
Sunday Mass 10.00 @ St Pius X Church. School families are always welcome.
The Parish office can be contacted on 5562 2231
Other information and contact details can be found on the Star of the Sea South West Coast website: https://www.ballarat.catholic.org.au/parish/southwestcoast/
Class Awards Week 2

School Canteen Roster
Tuesday,25th October | Wednesday, 26th October | Thursday, 27th October | Friday, 28th October |
Anna McKenzie | Merryn Payne | Paige Beck | Sonja Martin |
Our Diocesan Community
The link below opens the quarterly diocesan magazine that features news from across the Ballarat Diocese.
Upcoming Dates
Oct 21 Final day for class grouping student needs.
Oct 28 Yr 5/6 Warrnambool Show Excursion
Oct 28 Twilight Fair
Nov 1 Yr 1/2 swimming commences
Nov 3 Yr 5 Emmanuel College visit
Nov 3 School Advisory Council 7.30pm (Rescheduled)
Nov 11 Remembrance Day & Social Justice Day
Nov 18 Pupil Free Day - Reconciliation Action Plan
Nov 21 - 29 PSG Meetings
Nov 28 Yr 5/6 beach safety commences
Nov 30 SAC & P&F social evening
Dec 6 Transition experience 1
Dec 7 Learning Conversations 1
Dec 8 Transition experience 2
Dec 9 End of Year Mass (daytime)
Dec 9 Yr 6 Graduation (early evening)
Dec 12 Learning Conversations 2
Dec 13 Transition experience 3
Dec 14 Learning Conversations 3
Dec 15 Carols and Presentation Evening
Dec 16 Final day of school classes for 2022. (Final bell at 3.30pm)
COVID 19 Arrangements

All famililes are asked to familiarise thesmselves with the updated COVID 19 regulations.
Managing a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
- Students or staff who are symptomatic should be tested via RAT or PCR.
- Positive student cases must be reported to the school administration office:
- Phone: 55622506
- Email: principal@spwarrnambool.catholic.edu.au
- Staff or students who are positive are strongly recommended to stay home and isolate for a minimum of five days.
- Symptomatic students or staff should not attend school, even if failing to test positive on a RAT or PCR.
There is no longer a requirement for schools to inform their communities of positive cases. All health information is held in accordance with the school’s privacy policy.
Staff and students who wish to wear a mask will continue to be supported to do so. Masks are available from the administration office for anyone wishing to obtain one.
Any staff or students who are close contacts are recommended to wear a mask indoors.
Any staff or students returning from isolation are recommended to wear a mask for 7 days after returning to school.
RAT Kits
Staff and students should only be tested with a RAT kit when symptomatic or when testing daily as a close contact over the 7 day quarantine period. RAT kits will be available from the school upon request until the end of Term 4.
St Pius X strongly supports vaccination for all in our community who are eligible. There is no requirement for adults entering the school to declare their vaccination status.
All community adults are reminded of the child safety requirement to sign in when attending the school between 9.00am and 3.00pm
Parents who have tested positive to COVID 19 are permitted to drive children to and from school during their 7 day isolation period. They are required to return home immediately afterwards and not attend other locations.
Medically At Risk Students
Students who have chronic health conditions, especially affecting the respiratory system ie Asthma, must have up to date health support plans. Families who are unsure about the status of their child’s plan should make contact with teh school administration office.