June 2nd, 2022
Acknowledgement of Country
A Note from our Principal
Congratulations Ms O'Donnell
School Reports & Assessment
Warrnambool Eisteddfod
School Enrolments for 2023
Parents and Friends Coffee Morning.
ReLATE Student Survey
Confirmation News
Hot Off the Prep Press!
School Photos 2023
National Simultaneous Storytime 2022
Traffic Update
Book Club
E-Safety Webinar: Safer Online Gaming
Pupil Free Day: Thanks
Mini Vinnies
Crisis Meals
Winter Sports
Second Hand Uniforms
Breakfast Club
Footy Tipping
Parish Contact
Upcoming Dates
School Canteen Roster
Speaking My Language
Our Diocesan Community
COVID 19 Arrangements
Acknowledgement of Country

The St Pius X Parish School Community acknowledges the Gunditjmara / Marr Nation people who have educated children on these lands for thousands of years.

A Note from our Principal

Ngata Families & Friends,
This week we have marked National Reconciliation Week. Thanks to Mrs Keeley who has ensured our students had the opportunity to create the purple flowers that signify our nation’s move toward authentic Reconciliation with past events that have caused hurt for our First People. Thanks also to Mel Steffensen and Uncle Lachie Eccles who have spoken to groups of students over the past weeks, and our class teachers who have made a special effort to include Reconciliation Week as a learning focus this week.
With Term 2 being our shortest term for the year, the end is approaching quickly. In today’s newsletter there are important reminders about assessment and reporting dates. We ask all families to be ready to schedule Learning Conversations when bookings open in the coming weeks. We also ask parents of students in Yrs 4-6 to take the time to complete the ReLATE survey with their child. The link is published in today’s newsletter.
Good luck to our winter sports participants tomorrow. Hopefully the weather allows for some great results and fun.
Joe Ewing
Congratulations Ms O'Donnell

At our Catholic Education Week Mass on Friday we made a presentation to Ms Jane O’Donnell on behalf of the school community to mark her 30 years in Catholic Education. Congratulations Jane.
School Reports & Assessment
As we approach the end of Semester 1, our teachers are working hard to ensure they have an accurate assessment picture of their students. This assessment will inform the reports which parents will receive. School reports will be sent home on Friday June 17th, with Learning Conversations being held on June 21, 22 & 23. The report documents and the Learning Conversations go hand in hand with each other. Parents and teachers are able to discuss the learning progress of students with examples of learning published in each child’s Learning Journal.
Bookings for Learning Conversations will be opened shortly through PAM and we ask parents to make a booking as a matter of priority. Please note that families who usually access a translator for these meetings will have their Learning Conversation scheduled at the beginning of Term 3.
We extend our condolences to the Steffensen and Pola families this week on the death of Marj Pola.
Marj is the grandmother of Mel Steffenson and the great grandmother of Jack and Lincoln. We give our best wishes to the wider family as well, especially Mel's mum Lynn.
Warrnambool Eisteddfod
This week many of our senior students have been competing in the speech and drama sections of the Warrnambool Eisteddfod. Thanks to Adele Webster and Louise Crispe who have worked hard to prepare the students and provide this special opportunity.
Reports and results will be on next week's newsletter.
Our fortnightly assembly will be held tomorrow afternoon in our parish church at 2.45pm. All families are welcome to attend.
School Enrolments for 2023
Last week we welcomed many prospective 2023 Prep families into our school for formal information sessions and tours. We welcome the opportunity to speak to more families and give personal tours. Please pass on the school details to anyone you know who may be interested in pursuing enrolment with us. Our community are our best promoters!
Another reminder to current families to ensure their enrolment forms are submitted as soon as possible.
Parents and Friends Coffee Morning.

On Friday, June 10th our parents and friends are invited to a coffee morning at Brother Fox (Deakin University) beginning at 10.00am.
Those attending are asked to pay for their own drinks, while food will be provided.
To help with spacing and catering, please RSVP by Tuesday, 7th June using the following link:
ReLATE Student Survey

Our school is currently implementing the ReFraming Learning and Teaching Environments model. This model is being evaluated by Monash University in partnership with its provider - the MacKillop Institute. As part of this process, Monash university is inviting you to complete a survey with your Yr 4-6 child(ren). It is completely anonymous and voluntary.
There are 21 questions about safety, school environment and the teaching relationships that your child(ren) experiences. Our school will receive a report based on the findings that will be distributed.
Please use the link below with your child if they fall into the Yr 4-6 age range.
Confirmation News

Our Confirmation candidates will be confirmed on Monday evening at 7.00pm. Thanks to families for their preparation and support of this process.
Alfie Parkinson
Annabella McInness
Kate Martin
Mason Halloran
Jimmy Van Rooy
Indie Kermond
This week some more saints profiles from our candidates:

Kate Martin: St Mary MacKillop
Mary MacKillop is perhaps the best known saint for many of us - she is Australia’s first (and to date, only) saint. Mary was born in Fitzroy and is remembered for her tenacity, dedication and love in her work to bring education to rural Australian children. Together with her sisters; the Josephites, she started schools that accepted children of all faiths, cultures and backgrounds. She is an inspiration to all Australians!

Mason Halloran: St George
St George was a Roman soldier who was persecuted for his Christian faith at a time when Christianity was seen as an enemy of the Roman empire. Even under threat of death he stood up for his beliefs. A famous legend says that George fought and killed a dragon, which probably is a metaphor for fighting evil. Many countries have a special relationship to George, but none more so than England to whom he is the patron saint.

Jimmy Van Rooy: Jacob
While not technically called saint, Jacob is an important Biblical figure and was also known as Israel. He fathered 12 sons and these 12 boys in turn fathered the 12 tribes of Israel. In legend he is known as the father of a nation - Israel.
Hot Off the Prep Press!
Out and about!
On Wednesday we enjoyed getting out and about on another adventure. This time we visited the Warrnambool Library to delve into the historical items and artefacts and sacred stories that they keep in their building. Our friend, Jules, explained the importance of some of these old items and why they need to be looked after with lots of care. We were then able to enjoy all of the picture storybooks in the children’s section. We read, read and read some more all while relaxing in beanbags, sitting on cushions and getting comfy on the couches. We loved every minute and can’t wait to go back and visit the NEW library when it is ready!

Making 10!
How many ways can you make 10? Well that is what we have been learning about this week! We have created our own rainbows that help us to find the pairs to 10 as well as the turnaround fact. Arlo, Alfie and Elizabeth have found their favourite number fact. Learning about numbers in different ways is so much fun!!

Your trash is our treasure - just a reminder!
In Week 7 we are going to be designing, creating and making something from the past or the present like a mobile phone, a flatscreen TV, a remote control car or a dial up phone, a box TV set or a pull along toy car. If you are able to start collecting a whole range of recycled materials like boxes, egg cartons, plastic packages, meat trays, cardboard rolls, plastic bottles or more. Please keep them at home but start sending them along to school in Week 7 - Monday 6th June.
School Photos 2023
Today we have confirmed our school photo date for 2023. School Photos will be taken on Friday 31st March 2023. Please mark this date in your diary as it might be handy to have.
National Simultaneous Storytime 2022
On Wednesday 25th May, St.Pius took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime. We read the book Family Tree, written by Josh Pyke who is also a musician. The story celebrates family, community and the changes in the seasons as we all grow over time. In the Junior area the students took part in discussion about new and unfamiliar vocabulary in the book and then they completed a task independently about their family and why they love them!

Traffic Update
Thanks to everyone for more attention to crossings this week. Drivers have been observed being far more careful when Gerard and children are on the crossing in Ross St.

By law, once Gerard’s sign is up, NO traffic is allowed to move on the crossing or into the driveway.
Book Club

Book Club has been sent home this week. Orders need to be back at school by Thursday 9th June. Online access is available here.
E-Safety Webinar: Safer Online Gaming
Help your kids stay safe by learning about the benefits and risks of online gaming. This webinar run by e Safety is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 8 to 13 years of age.
It will cover:
- the games young people are using and how they are engaging with them
- the benefits of gaming and how to mitigate the risks
- practical strategies to use at home and where to find help and support if things go wrong.
Term 2 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
- Thursday 9 June 12.30 - 1.30 pm
- Friday 17 June 12.30 – 1.30 pm
- Tuesday 21 June 7.30 – 8.30 pm
You can register here.- There are also other webinars upcoming for parents and carers here. There is also a link to a list of safe Apps for children here.
Pupil Free Day: Thanks
Thanks to all families for the flexibility displayed last week for our pupil free day. Our day was spent looking closely at the curriculum around reading and creating a sequence of learning across the 7 years of primary learning. This conversation and work was important to create shared goals and for greater familiarity for all staff about the sequence of learning and skill acquisition.
Thanks to our Literacy Leader Mrs Kate Sewell who has worked tirelessly to prepare for the day.

Mini Vinnies

St Vincent de Paul Wacky Clothes Dress up day
On Friday June 10th we are having a St Vincent de Paul Wacky Clothes Dress up day. This will tie in with our Pastoral Care Day this term and will raise money for food which will be donated to Food share.
Students are asked to either come dressed in wacky clothes they have purchased at St Vincent de Paul, or come dressed in casual clothes and make a gold coin donation.
Cereal Drive
Please support us as this is our first fund raising event. We are asking students to dig deep and bring a box of cereal to school. These will be collected and eventually donated to food share. But before it all goes…We have grand plans. If we get enough boxes we would like to organise a giant Domino Cereal Challenge on the basketball court! It will be loads of fun but we need your help. Please DONATE and drop off in the Art Room, but remember it must be in a box!
Crisis Meals

Each week a volunteers has been rostered to provide a freezable meal to our school to be distributed to a family experiencing hardship, grief or unforeseen circumstances.
The volunteer for this week is Xavier Mills.
The upcoming roster is below. More volunteers are always welcome!
Ideally meals should be easy to freeze & serve, and should be labelled so that the type meal can be easily identified. Any other families wishing to volunteer can now do so by calling the office directly. Meals can be dropped to the office.
Winter Sports
Tomorrow many of our Yr 5/6s and also some middle school students will be attending the Winter sports at various locations around Warrnambool. Football, Netball, Soccer and Tee-ball will be contested against other district schools. We ask families to ensure that consent has been given via PAM. Spectators are welcome at these events:
- Soccer: East Warrnambool Primary School
- Football: Walter Oval (South Rovers)
- Netball: Walter Oval (South Rover)
- Tee-Ball: St Joseph's Primary School
Second Hand Uniforms
Families seeking low cost uniform items are welcome to contact Angela Verspay (mum to Dylan and Finn) who has stock of many donated uniform items. Ph: 0477660119.
Recently we have had a call on second hand uniforms. We are desperately in need of larger sizes to replenish our stock. If you have any school uniform clothing in reasonable condition we would very much appreciate your support. Please contact Angela if you are in a position to assist.
Breakfast Club

Every Wednesday from 8:15 breakfast will be available in the function room for any students that would like to have some breakfast before the school day starts! Everyone is more than welcome to come along, even if they have already had breakfast at home. It is a great initiative supported by FoodShare who provide fruit, yoghurt, cereal and yummy toast.
Thanks to our parent volunteers Maddy and Tracey.
Footy Tipping

A rare slip from MarkMac1 has opened up the top of the leaderboard in the school footy tipping this week. While the Tigers looked the goods early the Swans were able to prevail in what proved to be the tricky tip of the round. Joker rounds are pushing some names up the board with CharlieW and Thommo charging up the rankings. Our top tippers this week however are a little further down the table. Well done to the Whites, the Turners and 13Bomber who all correctly selected 8 winners. The tippers to watch this week are the Holcombes who are cruising quietly in 11th and could be ready to mount a challenge in the second half of the season. Happy tipping for Round 12!
Thanks to our generous sponsor:
Bojangles Pizzeria Restaurant
61 Liebig St
5562 0666

Parish Contact
Sunday Mass 10.30 @ St Pius X Church. School families are always welcome.
The Parish office can be contacted on 5562 2231
Other information and contact details can be found on the Star of the Sea South West Coast website: https://www.ballarat.catholic.org.au/parish/southwestcoast/
Upcoming Dates
Tomorrow: Winter Sports & Assembly
Jun 6 Sacrament of Confirmation 7.00pm
Jun 7 Parents & Friends Meeting
Jun 9 SAC Meeting 7.30pm
Jun 13 Queen’s Birthday public holiday
Jun 21 Learning Conversations
Jun 22 Learning Conversations
Jun 23 Learning conversations
Jun 24 Final day of Term 2
School Canteen Roster
Tuesday, 7th June | Wednesday 8th June | Thursday, 9th June | Friday, 10th June |
Anna McKenzie | Aliesha Williamson | Lauren Johnson | Rebecca Maglaras |
Speaking My Language
Who was your favourite teacher?
I could name a couple, but if pressed I would say Mr Blizzard, my Yr 11 Art teacher. Mr Blizzard was able to spot the things I was doing well and instructed me on the learning and skill development I needed. He always spoke positively about my work and suggested that perhaps I should consider a career in art or design. Mr Blizzard listened to me and when we spoke he was respectful, never sarcastic. He was not condescending, he never spoke down at me - but he did speak to me on my level, in my language. I think it’s true that the best teachers not only communicate well, they communicate from the heart.

Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, and as usual one of the readings is the story of the first Pentecost. In the story the disciples are gathered in a room together, frightened in the wake of Jesus' death, resurrection and return to God. Suddenly the Holy Spirit comes upon them and it all changes! They leave the room and speak to people gathered in the streets outside. Miraculously they are able to speak to these people in different languages.

When we read a miracle story it is important to ‘read between the lines’, to ‘read’ the metaphor involved. As I read the Pentecost event I think of the disciples becoming the first teachers of the church - communicating from the heart and able to speak to people on their own level.
Whether we see ourselves as teachers or not, we are all called to be in community with others. The lesson from the disciples and from Mr Blizzard is to authentically meet people where they are at - to speak their language.
Our Diocesan Community
The link below opens the quarterly diocesan magazine that features news from across the Ballarat Diocese.
COVID 19 Arrangements

RAT Kits
Since the beginnig of the year, students and staff have been invited to test themselves twice weekly using the RAT kits supplied. The latest COVID communication has advised that staff and students should only be tested with a RAT kit when symptomatic or when testing as a close contact over the 7 day quarantine period.
The school will continue to supply these kits periodcally for the remainder of term.
Triple vaccination status will continue to be a requirement for all staff onsite with students and will be required for any volunteers and visiting workers. This will include:
- Parents assisting in classrooms
- Canteen volunteers
- Parents performing tasks on behalf of the Parents and Friends.
- Visiting medical and allied health professionals.
- Visiting speakers, presenters and performers.
- Student teachers.
Parents visiting the school to attend school events (ie sports, performances, classroom visits) will not be required to declare their vaccination status.
Rapid Antigen Tests
Staff and students are invited to continue RATs twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday mornings before attending school. Staff or students who have previously had a positive COVID test are not required to test for 12 weeks after their initial positive result.
Managing a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
As soon as a staff member or student becomes aware of being a suspected case - that is symptomatic (fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of smell or taste:
- The suspected case is required to leave the school site, or be isolated on-site until they are able to leave.
- The suspected case is required to be tested with a rapid antigen test. A positive test result must be reported to the Department of Health
- Positive cases must be isolated for 7 days, testing again on day 6.
In the event that school receives notification that a staff member or student was infectious while onsite:
- All staff must use a rapid antigen test if they have symptoms.
- All students must use a rapid antigen test if they have symptoms.
- Staff and students will be strongly encouraged to use rapid antigen tests for the following 5 days if they don’t have symptoms.
Where a positive case is recorded from a staff member or student who has been on site, the school community will be notified. Personal information will not be released in this communication.
If a staff member or student tests positive with a rapid antigen test but does not have symptoms or has not been in contact with a positive case, a PCR test is recommended. If a subsequent PCR shows a negative result the staff member or student can return to school.
Close Contacts
A close contact (a person who has spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID 19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility) is no longer required to quarantine, as long as they follow the additional safety measures:
- Notify the school if returning within the 7 day period.
- Undertake RAT testing on school days within the 7 day period (unless the 12 week exemption applies)
- Wear a mask indoors if an adult or a student Yr 3-6.
- Not visit hospitals or care facilities.
- Avoid contact with people at higher risk of infection.
- If symptomatic take a RAT or PCR test.
Masks are no longer required to be worn by students, staff or visitors. However the wearing of masks continues to be a recommended practice which will still be required in certain circumstances including bus travel or a period of high levels of prolonged transmission.
Any staff of students who are identified as close contacts must wear a mask indoors.
Dresses available to borrow.
One of our school families have kindly offered to loan out two dresses which would be ideal for special occasions ie. Confirmation/Reconciliation.
One is pink with a jacket and one is white and both are size 10.
If you would like to borrow one of these dresses or would like further information, please contact Sonja on 0434 322 097.

Trash Test Dummies Circus

I CAN Network- New Online Holiday Program & Cycle 3 - Now Open!
Dear Friends,
We hope you're staying warm as the days and nights get colder. This newsletter is to tell you all about our July School Holiday Online Program, to invite interest for our Cycle 3 online mentoring program (July 11th - August 18th) and to celebrate the artwork which our past I CAN Online mentees have created.
Express your interest now for our online mentoring school holiday program.
Dates: Monday 4th July - Friday 8th July
Time: 5:00pm - 6.10pm (70 minute sessions)
Cost: $285
- Minecraft 8-22 years
- Animals & The Natural World 8-22 years
- Fashion, Design & Make-Up 8-22 years
- Jurassic Park 8-22 years
- Heartstopper 13-22 years (Books & TV show)
The full details can be found on our website.
Cycle 3, of our I CAN Online Mentoring program is now open.
To express your interest click here.
Dates: Monday July 11th - Thursday August 18th = 6 weeks.
Along side our classic themed groups such as ROBLOX, LEGO, AFL, LGBTIQA+ and I CAN Imagination Club®, this cycle introduces three new popular mentoring themes: The popular books, now Netflix television series - HEARTSTOPPER. If you love fashion design and make-up join or new FASHION DESIGN group and after the recent release of the new JURASSIC PARK film, a group all about the iconic dinosaur movies.
Note: 8-22 year old participants grouped with similar aged peers.
The full details can be found on our website.
I CAN ONLINE - CREATIVECelebrate our I CAN Online mentee's artwork. At the conclusion of each online mentoring program cycle, the Mentees are asked to reflect on their time in the program, we encourage them to express themselves in a variety of creative ways, including through digital designs, artwork, songs, poems and/or verbal reflections. Each cycle Mentee reflections show the growth and development over the six weeks and the different perspectives from the Mentees.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our work. We look forward to seeing you online.
Chris and the I CAN team

Wylah the Koorie Warrior Colouring Competition.
Entries can be handed in at the Warrnambool Library anytime on or before the 11th of June.

Warrnambool Table Tennis Association
Invitation for any students and parents to have training / fun time at the Warrnambool Table Tennis Centre on Wednesday afternoons from 5.30pm - 6.30pm.
The invitation is open to all, the cost is free, but for regular attendees we would expect you to join the club as a social member to cover insurance costs.
For more information contact Pat Nicholson 0418 173 854.