May 19th, 2022
Acknowledgement of Country
A Note from our Principal
School Enrolments for 2023
Confirmation News
Hot off the Prep Press!
Traffic Update
Lions Eye Tests
Pupil Free Day: May 30th
Dental Health Van Visit
Absentee Notification
Divisional Cross Country
Bike Week 15-22 May
Crisis Meals
Winter Uniform Term 2
Second Hand Uniforms
Breakfast Club
Footy Tipping
Parish Contact
Student Medical Details
Upcoming Dates
School Canteen Roster
Your Word Is Your Bond
COVID 19 Arrangements
Acknowledgement of Country

The St Pius X Parish School Community acknowledges the Gunditjmara / Marr Nation people who have educated children on these lands for thousands of years.

Holy Spirit,
Come amongst us as Jesus promised.
Grant us...
wisdom and understanding,
knowledge and right judgement,
courage and reverence
in our relationships with others.
A Note from our Principal

Ngata Families & Friends,
We have certainly experienced a change in the weather this week, with chill in the breeze and icy rain falling through the day.
The coming week will be a busy one in the school as we welcome visitors for our Prep enrolment tours and also celebrate Catholic Education Week.
Its no accident that these two events coincide with each other as both prompt us to qualify what is great about our school and what is great about Catholic Education in general.
May 25 Prep Enrolment Tours 10.00am & 6.30pm
May 26 Prep Enrolment Tour 10.00am
Catholic Education Week Staff Mass 4.30pm
May 27 Catholic Education Week Student & Family Mass 10.00am (all welcome)

Each year in the Ballarat Diocese we celebrate staff who have given 30 years service. In past years we have celebrated Mr Sully, Mr White, Mrs Nolan and Mrs Kerr. This year we celebrate the 30 year milestone for Mrs Jane O’Donnell. A special presentation will be made to her through next week. You might like to give her your personal congratulations if you see her!
Please check the COVID notes at the end of the newsletter for an important update on RAT kits.
Joe Ewing
School Enrolments for 2023
All schools in the Warrnambool Catholic Schools Network are beginning the process of enrolling preps for the 2023 school year. In May we will be inviting new families into our school for formal tours and information sessions on:
May 25th: 10.00am & 6.30pm
May 26th: 10.00am
Prior to receiving any outside enrolments we would like to ensure we have enrolments for any intended Preps of current families.
If your family has a child beginning Prep in 2023 we would like to receive their enrolment form as soon as possible. Hard copies of the form are available from the school office or can be downloaded from the school website:
Please note, the download can be filled in digitally and returned via email, or alternatively can be printed out and filled in by hand.

Lleyton and Indi-Rose Meyer were very proud to announce the birth of their new baby brother Harper last week. They are pictured above with another of Harper's brothers; Archer. Congratulations to Amanda & Darren.
Confirmation News

Alfie Parkinson, Annabella McInness. Kate Martin, Mason Halloran, Jimmy Van Rooy, Indie Kermond
Last week a number of our candidates were called forward for a special blessing. This week photos of the candidates will be displayed. Thanks to families for your agile organisation, dodging around ill health and other events.
Hot off the Prep Press!
Flagstaff Hill Excursion
On Monday we all jumped on a bus and went to Flagstaff Hill. Jan and Pat helped us to explore the ‘olden days’. We read about Queen Victoria and her underpants and we dressed up and went to school. But at this school the boys wore a waistcoat and a hat and the girls wore an apron, a cape and a bonnet. We wrote in curvy letters and we used a slate board and a slate pencil. We had a great wander through the village looking at all the old stores and the shipwreck museum. Lucky for us we didn’t get too wet!!

50 days in Prep!
On Tuesday the fun continued. It was our 50th day of learning in the Prep room. Ms Osborne and Ms Lane surprised us with a big 5-0 in gold balloons. We sang and danced, made a special crown, a 50 badge necklace, we coloured in 50 stars and played race to 50 with a friend. We even had time to eat a yummy cupcake!! Learning at school is always so much fun!!!

Storytime Show and Tell
Just a reminder that we would love all Prep children to bring their favourite picture storybook to school tomorrow for Show and Tell. Maybe have a chat tonight with someone at your house why it is your favourite. Please make sure your name is on it so it can find its way home again! Ms Lane and Ms Osborne have theirs packed and ready to go!!
Your trash is our treasure!
Over the next couple of weeks we would love if you could collect any recyclable items such as boxes, plastic bottles, bottle caps, egg cartons, cardboard cylinders, etc. We will be using these to construct some masterpieces. Please keep them at home and we will let you know when to send them in. THANK YOU!!
Traffic Update
Thankyou to all families for greater attention to the movement of cars in our car park. While we still have a few cars moving against arrows (!) there is far more thought being exhibited by drivers moving cars.
I remind families again about the importance of observing the stop sign at the pedestrian crossing in Ross St. Gerard (our crossing guard) regularly has parents turning into the school drive while he is in the middle of the crossing with children.
By law, once Gerard’s sign is up, NO traffic is allowed to move on the crossing or into the driveway.

Assembly will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2.45pm in our parish church. All family members are welcome to join us.
Lions Eye Tests

Many school families will be familiar with the free eye tests offered by the local Lions Clubs. These tests will again be offered at St Pius X this year on May 23 and 27. Over the year students in Prep, Yr 3 and Yr 6 will be screened. On the initial days the Lions club will screen the Yr 3s and 6s. They will return later in the year for our Preps.
The screening test is intended to detect vision problems but any issues that are encountered will be communicated back to families so that a full assessment can be made by an eye health professional.
These tests are not compulsory and only proceed with parental consent. All Yr 3 & 6 students have received a consent form for these screening tests. We ask you to return these TOMORROW so that the Lions team can make arrangements for the following week.
Pupil Free Day: May 30th
We remind families that our Term 2 Pupil Free Day is approaching on Monday May 30th. This day will be dedicated to teachers looking at the curriculum for reading to ensure our planning and teaching processes are completely covering the content from the Victorian Curriculum.
No classes will be held on this day and families are asked to arrange alternate care for children. TheirCare will be running a full day program on this day. Bookings can be made at
Dental Health Van Visit

The Australian Dental Health Van (ADHV) is due to visit St. Pius X during the week beginning 18th July.
This initiative is funded by Australian Dental Health and the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and students can receive a full check-up, preventative and general dental care under the Medicare bulk billing system. This is an entirely optional program.
Forms were sent home last week. If you would like your child to receive a dental check please return the consent form to school TOMORROW, Friday 20th May.
Absentee Notification

As everyone will be aware, an unexplained student absence will trigger a text message to your family. This is an excellent system and essentially acts as a double check between school and home on whereabouts and safety. We have had false alarms when a roll has been incorrectly marked or saved - but generally everything functions well and is efficient.
In the past many families have used the old email function or phoned their absence notification in. Whilst these are still acceptable we ask all families to make greater use of the link on the Schoolzine app to report school absences. The link takes you to PAM (Parent Access Module) and the notification feeds directly into the school roll, eliminating the double handling of information.
If you’re unsure about this process, Mrs Parkinson has prepared a short demonstration video below.
Divisional Cross Country
Good luck to our four competitors in the Divisional Cross Country event on Monday; Holly Woodward, Freya Corbett, Benji Balash and Zoe Everall. Families are asked to give consent through PAM and should have received notification of this. The timetable is shared below:
Welcome 10.15am
1 Girls - 9/10 Yrs 2000m 10:30am
2 Boys - 9/10 Yrs 2000m 10:55 am
3 Girls - 11 Yrs 3000m 11.20 am
4 Boys - 11 Yrs 3000m 11:50 am
5 Girls - 12/13 3000m 12:20 pm
6 Boys - 12/13 3000m 12.50 pm
Last week most children completed the online Naplan tests. Most of the children who were absent last week were able to complete the testing this week. We were very proud of how well our Grade Three and Grade Five children managed the online test and how independent and competent they were.
Bike Week 15-22 May
Thinking of going bike riding with your kids? Want to know the best way to teach them to have fun and be safe? Then the Social Bike Ride is for you. Cycling Safe has trained Bike Ed instructors for the past decade; learn the best way to manage roundabouts for your skill level, how to share the path, and other great “Bike Hacks”. Sunday May 15 join us for an hour long ride and explore Warrnambool by bike. There is a 11.00 and 3.00 sessions: small group ride.
Our sympathies are with Ollie and the Bidmade family this week on the passing of Ollie's Grandmother Nola. We are thinking of you at this time.
Crisis Meals

Earlier in the term we asked for volunteers to join a roster to provide some crisis meals that can be shared with community members during times of grieving and hardship. Thanks to those who have volunteered their time and resources to contribute to this. A roster is published below and we will continue to add to it as others volunteer. The person next rostered will be given a reminder through the newsletter each week.
The volunteer for this week is Gabrielle Ewing.
Ideally meals should be easy to freeze & serve, and should be labelled so that the type meal can be easily identified. Any other families wishing to volunteer can now do so by calling the office directly. Meals can be dropped to the office.
Winter Uniform Term 2
Amother reminder that all students should be wearing their full Winter uniform as we begin Term 2. Please see the link below for further details.
Second Hand Uniforms
Families seeking low cost uniform items are welcome to contact Angela Verspay (mum to Dylan and Finn) who has stock of many donated uniform items. Ph: 0477660119.
Recently we have had a call on second hand uniforms. We are desperately in need of larger sizes to replenish our stock. If you have any school uniform clothing in reasonable condition we would very much appreciate your support. Please contact Angela if you are in a position to assist.
Breakfast Club

Every Wednesday from 8:15 breakfast will be available in the function room for any students that would like to have some breakfast before the school day starts! Everyone is more than welcome to come along, even if they have already had breakfast at home. It is a great initiative supported by FoodShare who provide fruit, yoghurt, cereal and yummy toast.
Thanks to our parent volunteers Maddy and Tracey.
Footy Tipping

Congratulations to Bluesfan17, jamiew3, TeamMilson, Dawso12:), MoverDemons for 8 correct tips last round. As predicted the Dawsons are coming, but so are the World Class Woodwards who are putting together some good selections each week, collecting a handy 14 points with a joker this week.
This week is the Sir Doug Nicholls round where we can celebrate the valuable contribution made by our First Peoples to football and our communities in general. We also get to look at the great designs for this year's jumpers. Happy tipping!
Thanks to our generous sponsor:
Bojangles Pizzeria Restaurant
61 Liebig St
5562 0666

Parish Contact
Sunday Mass 10.30 @ St Pius X Church. School families are always welcome.
The Parish office can be contacted on 5562 2231
Other information and contact details can be found on the Star of the Sea South West Coast website:
Student Medical Details
At the end of last year we asked parents to use the Parent Access Module (PAM) to add and adjust medical details. This information is vital to the wellbeing of our students and we ask parents to prioritise the maintenance of this information.
Upcoming Dates
May 20 Catholic Education Week begins
May 23 Lions eye tests (Yr 3 & 6)
May 25 Prep enrolment tours: 10am & 6.30pm
May 26 Prep enrolment tour: 10am
May 27 Lions eye tests (Yr 3 & 6)
May 27 Catholic Education Week Mass: 10.00am (all welcome).
May 30 Pupil Free Day (Teacher professional training)
Jun 6 Sacrament of Confirmation 7.00pm
Jun 7 Parents & Friends Meeting
Jun 9 SAC Meeting 7.30pm
Jun 13 Queen’s Birthday public holiday
Jun 21 Learning Conversations
Jun 22 Learning Conversations
Jun 23 Learning conversations
Jun 24 Final day of Term 2
School Canteen Roster
Tuesday, 24th May | Wednesday 25th May | Thursday, 26th May | Friday, 27th May |
Mel Dawson | Maddy O'Shannassy | Paige Beck | Kerrie Donlon |
Your Word Is Your Bond
I remember as a small boy watching my grandfather do business. He was a farmer, so would often have visits from stock and station agents, perhaps the bank manager, sometimes sales people. This usually involved he and the other person standing and talking for some time. Sometimes the dealing could also include a mild argument! But almost without exception the conversations I witnessed would end with Grandpa and the other person shaking hands. The deal was done!

Grandpa's truck loaded with wool to go to Geelong.
As an adult I realise that these business conversations would have involved large sums of money, but I never saw any documents or contracts produced to be signed. There was an understanding that you would do what you said you would, and once something was agreed to that was that. Your word was your bond, and you staked your reputation on it. I suspect things would be a little different today.
In Sunday’s Gospel Jesus gives his word, or makes a promise to his disciples. He tells them that although he will be leaving them, the Holy Spirit will move amongst them and remind them of all he had done, said and taught them. Trust is an indispensable part of all relationships. Just as Jesus desired for his friends to remain in relationship with him even when he was gone.
All of us are called to enter into our own trusting relationships with family members and friends. Keeping our word is part of this and it makes me reflect on what my word is worth. Do I keep it?
COVID 19 Arrangements

RAT Kits
Since the beginnig of the year, students and staff have been invited to test themselves twice weekly using the RAT kits supplied. The latest COVID communication has advised that staff and students should only be tested with a RAT kit when symptomatic or when testing as a close contact over the 7 day quarantine period.
The school will continue to supply these kits periodcally for the remainder of term.
Triple vaccination status will continue to be a requirement for all staff onsite with students and will be required for any volunteers and visiting workers. This will include:
- Parents assisting in classrooms
- Canteen volunteers
- Parents performing tasks on behalf of the Parents and Friends.
- Visiting medical and allied health professionals.
- Visiting speakers, presenters and performers.
- Student teachers.
Parents visiting the school to attend school events (ie sports, performances, classroom visits) will not be required to declare their vaccination status.
Rapid Antigen Tests
Staff and students are invited to continue RATs twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday mornings before attending school. Staff or students who have previously had a positive COVID test are not required to test for 12 weeks after their initial positive result.
Managing a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19
As soon as a staff member or student becomes aware of being a suspected case - that is symptomatic (fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of smell or taste:
- The suspected case is required to leave the school site, or be isolated on-site until they are able to leave.
- The suspected case is required to be tested with a rapid antigen test. A positive test result must be reported to the Department of Health
- Positive cases must be isolated for 7 days, testing again on day 6.
In the event that school receives notification that a staff member or student was infectious while onsite:
- All staff must use a rapid antigen test if they have symptoms.
- All students must use a rapid antigen test if they have symptoms.
- Staff and students will be strongly encouraged to use rapid antigen tests for the following 5 days if they don’t have symptoms.
Where a positive case is recorded from a staff member or student who has been on site, the school community will be notified. Personal information will not be released in this communication.
If a staff member or student tests positive with a rapid antigen test but does not have symptoms or has not been in contact with a positive case, a PCR test is recommended. If a subsequent PCR shows a negative result the staff member or student can return to school.
Close Contacts
A close contact (a person who has spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID 19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility) is no longer required to quarantine, as long as they follow the additional safety measures:
- Notify the school if returning within the 7 day period.
- Undertake RAT testing on school days within the 7 day period (unless the 12 week exemption applies)
- Wear a mask indoors if an adult or a student Yr 3-6.
- Not visit hospitals or care facilities.
- Avoid contact with people at higher risk of infection.
- If symptomatic take a RAT or PCR test.
Masks are no longer required to be worn by students, staff or visitors. However the wearing of masks continues to be a recommended practice which will still be required in certain circumstances including bus travel or a period of high levels of prolonged transmission.
Any staff of students who are identified as close contacts must wear a mask indoors.

Warrnambool Table Tennis Association
Invitation for any students and parents to have training / fun time at the Warrnambool Table Tennis Centre on Wednesday afternoons from 5.30pm - 6.30pm.
The invitation is open to all, the cost is free, but for regular attendees we would expect you to join the club as a social member to cover insurance costs.
For more information contact Pat Nicholson 0418 173 854.